Sunday 21 August 2011

Review on "Tsunami: the aftermath"

          Tsunami: the aftermath have been one of my favorite movies which has been based one reality. The movie contains real footage of the scenes and it can certainly play with the hearts of the people who haven't experienced Tsunami. I am a victim of the Tsunami so I know how the feelings which the movie producers are trying to show to the audience. At the beginning of the movie, its a usual holiday story in Thailand where two families are considered the main characters. One family contains couple and their daughter while the other family contains a couple and two sons. They planned their holiday in one of the most peaceful destinations in Thailand. Everything was perfectly fine till it was around 9:00. The disaster struck and it carried the whole of the town with it. The main characters get separated from their families and the wives of both the families go to snorkeling early in the morning. In that disaster the first family loses their daughter as the waves get stronger and something hits the head of the man and he goes down. After he wakes up he he calls for help and a local boy/waiter in the hotel, comes and helps him out. He is wounded and searches for his daughter, but is unable to find. He finds the man from the second family bruised badly. So helps him out. He continues searching for his wife and daughter but is still unable to find. Hours passed and the night falls, he goes to another town in a truck and departs from their to find another town to find his daughter, meanwhile the man from the other families passes away as he couldn't make it to a hospital or clinic on time. The main character goes to a clinic and see's the name of his wife and daughter on a missing list. He gets a hope that his wife is alive. So he keeps searching. The next morning he meets two members of the other family and tells the wife that her husband has passed away. After a while he see's his wife, runs up to her and hugs her. After that they start searching for their daughter, they find a picture of a girl at the internet and rushes to that destination but unfortunately the little girl turns out to be some other girl who looks like their daughter. Then havoc occurs as the wife keeps blaming the husband for loosing the daughter. That is the main summary of the movie, I find it hard to watch it because it reminds me of the tragic experiences on that which I went through at the time of the Tsunami.

    From all the movies I have watched so far, I have come across this movie which I feel very much uneasy and disturbed. All those horror and thriller movies might contain seems where people are murdered or blood is splattered everywhere. But in this movie "The cove" the scenes that they show are from a real life story and its something which is non-fiction. When I was small, I use to have a perception that Japanese people are one of the world's most disciplined or well known for kind hospitality services. But after I watched this movie, my whole point of view changed as they kill dolphins and whales in such a large scale. They might say that the sushi made from dolphins and whales taste excellent. But I certainly disagree with them as the continuos killing would lead to extinction of both these species. It is also against the international law. 

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Why Study geography?

    Geography in general means the study of earth. Going further into a more complete definition, Geography is the science that deals with the study of earth, its lands, features, characteristics, inhabitants phenomena. In my opinion, studying geography helps to open up the mind and think in a broader perspective for the situations faced in day to day life. It also helps to gain knowledge about the world, the nature and its beauty. Only a few people in life study about geography but in my opinion its a very  important subject as it is linked to each and everything we do in our daily lives. 

Sunday 3 July 2011

Review on South park episode "Whale whores"

    Last thursday I watched South Park episode "Whale whores" which i found pretty much interesting as it has bonded two major world events, the world war II and Whale hunting. In this episode the main character goes to celebrate his birthday at an outdoor aquarium where he steps in the water to touch and play with dolphins but before he could do that the Japanese people came running and killed dolphins. It made him so upset that he wanted to go out and stop the Japanese people. Not only that incident, they also killed other dolphins in the aquariums and did whale hunting in a vast manner. So the main character stepped in to stop them by joining a group but ended up their captain dying on the first attempt itself. But after that main character was the captain and he started to boost up the work and they stopped the Japanese but at the very last attempt they got caught by the Japanese people and was sent to jail. Our protagonist discovered that the reason for the killing all whales and dolphins by the Japanese was because of the picture they had in the museum which showed the pilots of the aircraft that drop the atomic bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a whale and a dolphin. So the the main character contacts his friend and presents the Japanese government with another picture where the chicken and cow is replaced as the pilots. So the Japanese start killing the chickens and cows.
    I believe that this was an entertaining episode and it really highlighted one of the biggest threats to the environment in a comical and interesting way.